Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hail to The CHIEF!!!!!

We are writing today with sad hearts. Our sweet dog Chief's battle with spinal cancer ended Thursday, Aug 30 at about 1:45 PM. It is really hard to write about but we wanted you all to know how peacefully he went. The vet came to us (we were staying at our friends house in Virginia) and was very kind. After the first shot to make him sleepy (takes about 10 minutes to take effect) we started feeding him his last meal which consisted of 3 steaks (one for breakfast that morning = 4 total), at least 30 milk bones and finally 1 pound of ground beef. He ate bones and steak until he could not chew anymore because he was so sleepy and then sucked down the ground beef until he was asleep. She gave him the last shot and he was gone. He died with ground beef on his tongue a piece stuck on his nose (so he was breathing and tasting ground beef) looking into Jimmy's eyes while we held him and talked to him. As hard as it was it really was the best was to go...for anyone.

Dixie is still sad and misses chief but seems a little better. It was really hard to get on the bus the next morning and leave without chief. We all miss our big harry lug...the Chiefers and it wont be the same without him but we are glad he is not suffering and that he went so peacefully.

Thanks for your prayers. I will try to get back into writingas soon as possible.
Jimmy, Roilyn and Dixie

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww, you guys, I am sorry to hear about Chief. I have been praying for you all and hope you are doing okay!